Old Orchard Swim Club Summer 2022 Activities

There's so much more than just swimming in the pool! Get in on the FUN!


Bocce Ball League

Teams of 2 (you can sign up as a single and we will match u w/partner). Teams can be 2 Adults or 1 Adult and 1 child. Games will be played on Sundays from 3- 6 starting on June 26th. Entry fee of $10 per team. Championship prizes to be set based on number of teams. Don’t know how to play? Don’t worry, anyone can learn and we will teach you! Sign up by June 23nd by using the sign up: 


Click Here for Bocce Ball


Cornhole League


Teams of 2 adults (you can sign up as a single and we will match u w/partner). If a partner put names in comments. Games will be Thursday nights 6:30, 7 or 7:30 starting on June 30. Entry fee of $10/team. Championship prized to be set based on number of teams. Everyone knows how to play cornhole! If not, you will pick it up quickly. Sign up Sign up by June 23nd by using the sign up:


Click Here for Cornhole


Adult Pick Up Basketball


Got game like Lebron? Neither do we, so come out and play some hoops on Tuesday night at 6:30pm starting on June 28th. Skill level doesn’t matter, and pick up games will be either full court or half court - depending on the number of players. The goal is to get in a great workout and meet some new friends in the process. 

Any questions, feel free to reach out to Ryan Pacewic @ 856-340-8993


Quizzo/Kahoot Night


Great at trivia? Join us for Quizzo/Kahoot Night every other Thursday starting June 23 at 7 PM. You will need to bring a phone or computer to download Kahoot to play. Winner will earn $10 otter dollars to spend at the snack bar. Questions email [email protected]



Otter-ly Creative Mondays


Fun activities for Monday afternoon when your kids say they are bored. Different kids crafts each week under the pavilion on Mondays from 2 -3 starting on June 27th. $2 per person to cover supply costs. Sign up to ensure we have enough supplies by the Friday before (starting June 24th): 


Sign Up Here for Otter-ly Creative Mondays



Poker Nights


Missed the 1st poker night? Don’t worry there will be more on 6/24, 8/6 and 8/19 at 9 PM under the pavilion. Dealer choice games. Questions email [email protected]




Enjoy an afternoon of lounging on your raft. Thursday’s,

3 – 6 PM starting on June 23rd. Individual size rafts only. No rafts allowed in the diving well.



Ice Cream Socials


Follow up Rafternoon with some ice cream. $1 a bowl to cover costs. Thursday’s 6 – 7 in the pavilion starting on June 23rd



Pick up Pickleball


Don’t know what to do during morning swim practice, pick up Pickleball during that time. Bring or borrow a paddle, net and balls and get some exercise. Don’t know what Pickleball is? Many club members will happy to show you the ropes. Just show up on the basketball court during morning swim practice. Many club members continue

to play through the whole summer.



Woman's Softball League


Softball games are played on Tuesday and Thursday evenings on local school fields against girls from other CH swim clubs; player must be 25 by end of summer/club membership required. Warmups at 6:00, start time 6:30. Games are modified slow pitch - no fast pitching allowed. Games are socially competitive; teams play to win but play nicely with others. Rainouts are played on Monday evenings if the fields are available. There is a cost for players that covers umpires, equipment, field rental fee and determined based on the number of players (typically less than $35). Tentatively first game this year is June 23rd and the last is the Championship game Aug 2 - its been quite a while since OO made it into that game, maybe you are the player that will get us there!  There will be practice nights before if anyone can make it. Season ends with a banquet (name may be overstating it a bit) on Aug 4 hosted by one of the teams at their swim club. Interested in joining the OO team, contact Kathy Maher at [email protected] as soon as possible.